Beach Park 茅ヶ崎

茅ヶ崎市にあるWE ARE FAMILYが合言葉のビーチパークはとってもアットホームなお店です。
イベントも盛り沢山で夏合宿、国内、海外トリップ、BBQ、クリスマスパーティー、クラブローカ ルコンテストなど一年中笑いが耐えない楽しいサーフショップです。

Our surf shop located at Chigasaki, Kanagawa, Japan and it is very homey atmosphere.

Our keyword is "We are family".

We have many events through the year, for example surf camp in summer, domestic and overseas surf trips, barbecue party, Christmas party, also local club surf contests.

We are a place with full of laughter through the year.

オーナーのやっちゃんがインタビューです。Beach Park活動の様子が良く分かります。是非ご覧下さい。

Our shop owner "Yacchan" was interviewed by a local TV program.

He introduced Beach Park's activities. Please watch this.